If you are a marketer, your main concern is your customers. You've probably read and heard a million ideas about how to build relationships, build customer loyalty, build a lead pipeline, and retain customers. However, the difficult question is: “How do you convert prospects into customers?” »
Many people see your ads think about them, and maybe even say, “I should…”". They're just waiting for someone to convince them to do something. There's something you can do to make them move!
Improve your offer
No one can abandon an agreement that is “too good to resist.”“Think about it... how often do your customers want your product but just something different, something more? This leaves you with a long list of “near-sales” that have the potential to convert into actual sales and profits. Sweeten the deal. Make the offer so good that they can't resist.
I am in no way suggesting lowering prices to sweeten the deal. You might as well supplement it with bonuses to increase the perceived value without reducing profits. Rewards motivate sales, perhaps even more than discounts.
Don't let them have fun. Yes, deliver them to the store quickly and within a specified time. You may have to wait until they buy a competitor to get your offer, but hey...What is wrong?
How would you like to increase your sales by more than 50%? Yes, that sounds good! There is actually a very simple tactic you can use... Additional actions.
Chances are, potential customers won't buy your product the first time they see or hear about it. It may be the third or fourth time, but they need to hear your feedback on the third or fourth time before they actually become customers. Do you have a monitoring system in place?
Simply contact your “almost customer” every month with a new offer or provide them with more information about the product they are interested in. This doesn't have to be a complicated process. Maintaining contact is very helpful in building trust. The key to finding customers for life.
Internet marketers find that many customers visit their websites and then click away. Without contact information, you will not be able to contact us further. A good way to gather the information you need is to offer a free e-book or informative report that will be of interest to consumers. Once they've given you the information to email them the product, you'll have everything you need to stay in touch and work on converting them into loyal customers.
Customize as much as possible.
If you know your customer's name...Excellent! Personalized messages are more attractive than “resident-directed” messages.